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DevOps services

Propel your software delivery with agile DevOps services


Qinshift offers dynamic DevOps Services as part of our comprehensive Managed Services portfolio. Our focus is on streamlining the transition from code commitment to production, all while ensuring exceptional quality and staying at the forefront of industry trends.

What do we do?

Continuous Integration: Configure a seamless system that triggers processes within the CI/CD pipeline for each code change and source code transfer to the repository.

Artifact Repository: Establish a secure repository to store built project versions, ensuring data integrity and easy access.

Automated Deployments: Design bespoke pipelines that automate the entire deployment process, enabling faster and error-free releases.

Dockerization: Transform your applications into self-contained Docker containers, delivering portability and scalability while sharing common OS resources.

DevSecOps: Strengthen workflows with robust security measures, implementing secure code development practices and fortified environments.

DevOps Automation: Implement a robust toolkit that automates various aspects of software development, including code review, deployment, continuous testing, and knowledge sharing. Our comprehensive training equips teams to excel in an automated environment.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Embrace Infrastructure as Code principles, allowing version-controlled management of networks, virtual machines, load balancers, and connection topology. Achieve consistent and reproducible deployments, in alignment with DevOps and continuous delivery principles.

Our Expertise

DevOps consulting
Unleash the potential of your organization with end-to-end DevOps services powered by state-of-the-art tools.

·        Enhance application and service delivery through continuous process and tool improvements.

·        Nurture successful DevOps transformations, placing a strong emphasis on fostering a cultural shift.

·        Craft tailored automation flows and processes, including testing automation, to optimize efficiency.

·        Our skilled DevOps team excels in diverse cloud and on-premise architectures.

·        Collaborating closely with our clients, we harness the power of DevOps to design practical, cutting-edge solutions that align with strategic objectives, enabling businesses to thrive.

DevOps as a Service

·        Seamlessly transition from traditional collaboration to cloud-based environments, where stackable virtual development tools automate processes.

·        Embrace DevOps principles and leverage cloud platforms to build, test, and deploy applications, transforming continuous delivery into a managed cloud service.

Discover how Qinshift can tailor agile DevOps solutions to tackle your unique business challenges. Reach out to us today.




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