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How a new Data strategy transformed Healthcare


Region Skåne - Empowering Public Healthcare in Southern Sweden


Inefficient Data Management Impedes Regional Health Record Launch

Before partnering with Qinshift, Region Skåne, a 30,000-employee public organization, faced significant challenges in managing data efficiently. As they prepared to launch a new electronic health record solution for the region, it became evident that their existing data management processes were inadequate.


Qinshift stepped in and delivered a comprehensive data strategy and strategic target architecture in three essential steps. The first involved a thorough assessment of Region Skåne's challenges and opportunities in data management. By understanding their specific needs, Qinshift laid the foundation for an effective data solution.

Subsequently, a data strategy and a target architecture were meticulously developed, designed to handle and facilitate the utilization of data and information. The primary goal was to empower business development and enhance digital solutions across the organization.


  • Streamlined Data Management: With the new data strategy in place, Region Skåne can now efficiently manage and leverage data to improve healthcare services and public interests.

  • Enhanced Business Development Opportunities: The data strategy opened doors to innovative business opportunities, allowing Region Skåne to adapt and evolve its services.

  • Improved Digital Solutions Implementation: By adopting the strategic target architecture, Region Skåne can seamlessly implement digital solutions that optimize healthcare processes and public transport operations.

By collaborating closely with the organization and executing concrete use cases, Qinshift successfully enabled Region Skåne to embrace a new era of data-driven excellence in healthcare and public services.